How to tell if your diamond is real or fake

She’s the love of your life, and you’re planning to propose. After months of searching, you finally found the perfect ring. But since the diamond is an investment in your love you want to make sure you get it right. Ever wonder how to tell if a diamond is real or fake? Well, with a few home based tests you will be able to tell in no time (but make no mistake, it takes an expert jeweller to determine if it is truly a real diamond). Here are a few tests to follow if you wish to see if your diamond ring is real or fake:

diamond scratch test

The scratch test:

Did you know that a diamond is one of the strongest substances on earth, making it easy to cut through glass? Something like a scratch test could help you determine if the diamond under the question is, in fact, real. For you to go through with the scratch test, you need a plate glass and a loose diamond. Place the glass on a table (or any platform) and use your diamond to scratch the surface of the glass. If it scratches the glass, chances are good that the diamond is real. But, it’s important to know that the scratch test could damage your diamond in the process. It’s also not the most effective way to see if your diamonds is real since other gemstones can have the same effect on the glass.

diamond fog test

The fog test:

A quick and easy way to find out whether your diamond is real or fake: try fogging it up with your breath. If it clears up after one or two seconds, then your diamond is real, but if it stays fogged for three to four seconds chances are that you’re looking at a fake. The reason for this: Diamonds disperse the heat instantaneously making it impossible to fog up while non-diamonds don’t have the same effect. For this test to work, make sure that your diamond is clean and that no oils are covering the stone.

diamond transparency test

The transparency test:

For this test, you will need a newspaper and a loose diamond. Place your diamond face down, with the pavilion facing up, on a section of text in a newspaper. If you can read the letter through the diamond chances are that your stone is fake. But if the letters are blurry this is one indication that your diamond is real. Make sure your diamond is clean before going through with this test.

diamond in water graphic

The floating test:

This is probably one of the easiest, although not conclusive, ways to find out whether your diamond is real or not. For the floating test, you need a loose diamond and a glass of water. If the diamond is real, it will drop to the bottom of the glass due to the high density of the stone. If the diamond is a fake, it will float on the surface of the water. Not all fake diamonds float in water so don’t take the results of this test as conclusive.

diamond fire test

The fire test:

If you’re serious about finding out whether your diamond is real or fake, you can put the stone through a fire test. Use a lighter to light the stone for approximately 30 seconds before dropping it in cold water. If it’s a real diamond, the stone will remain unharmed, but if it’s fake it will shatter to pieces. This will happen since weaker materials are not able to handle the rate at which the materials expand and then contract due to the heat of the fire. Unlike real diamonds that were formed under intense heat and pressure billions of years ago.

diamond scale test

Use a diamond scale:

Not everyone has access to a diamond scale at home, but if you take it to your local diamond jeweller, they will be able to weigh the diamond for you. If the diamond is a fake, it will weigh more than an actual diamond of the same size and shape. The reason behind this is cubic zirconia (a synthesised material) weighs approximately 55% more than an actual diamond. If your diamond is certified or has a grading report, you can match it to the weight recorded. If you would like to perform this test, it’s crucial to have two stones of the same shape and size (one that you preferably know is real).

diamond ultraviolet test

Black light test:

When you place a real diamond underneath an ultraviolet light, the stone with fluorescence in it will turn blue. But it’s important to know that this will only happen with about one-third of all diamonds. A fake diamond, on the other hand, will almost never look blue under a black or UV light. This is not the most reliable test for those who would like to know the true status of their diamond.

For the best results visit your nearest diamond store where an appraiser will be able to evaluate and inspect your diamond. The appraiser should be able to tell you whether your diamond is real or fake using specialised equipment. Remember to ask for a certificate or grading report when purchasing a diamond. This will most certainly put your mind at ease when you do finally get down on one knee.